The Problem Is...

One of the many beautiful and sacred privileges of being an American is our Freedom of Speech and our unalienable right to express our opinions.
Everyone has an opinion about everything. Most of us have opinions about why the world seems to always be in chaos. Some believe the blame lies with our nations leaders while others blame the weather, various groups of people, religion, taxes, big oil and spoiled children. 
I think the problem lies in media propaganda and sensationalism. 
Lately we are realizing that some of our most prominent journalists have been lying, but to what end? If I lied about being attacked and my community rose up against another to get revenge isn't that how wars get started? I wonder how many lies have sparked the fear and hatred we are experiencing all over the world today? Could all of this war on terror be based solely on lies and false information? What proof do we have that any of what we are told is true? And if we knew the truth what would we do with it? 


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