Coward, Thy Name is Al Queda And ISIS

My heart is breaking for the citizens of France as all of them are victims of the treachery of terrorism. 
Al Qeada and ISIS are dinosaurs grasping at any breath of life to keep them going. We have come so far and yet we have taken as many steps back as we have forward. 
Tolerance is the ultimate form of respect and though we like to think we are most tolerant we still have far to go. 
Terrorists are nothing more than angry thugs who behave like spoiled children ignorant of the world around them needing instant gratification to feel something, anything even if it is wrought with violence and death. They are the worst kind of cowards because they only seem to attack those who cannot defend themselves or are otherwise inclined to passivism. They can't stand Free Speech because the truth is too painful for them to swallow. 
They have made such a mess with of their own lives were with their sick and twisted ideas of religion. 
Their shallow unworthy egos can't accept defeat so they go on murderous rampages thinking they can scare the free people into submission. It won't work you morons! Freedom is here to stay. 
I would suggest you pick on someone your own size but you are so tiny and insignificant there is nothing as small as you. 
Go away! Go back to whatever hole you slithered out of and leave the world alone. 
You are despised not respected. If you want respect, if you want people to listen you need stop all violence. You need to be human beings. 


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