Be What You Pray For

The war in Vietnam in reality was a 300 year civil war involving the French. We were called in to keep the peace and our involvement was called a Police Action...didn't exactly turn out like anyone had planned. Now these many decades later we see history repeating itself with our involvement in so many civil wars all over the world.
It is our duty to come to the aid of nations in peril, we are a global power and with that burden comes the obligation to be peace keepers of the world.
So why then have we not come to the aid of our own people within our own borders? 
There is a crisis in our communities and there are communities of good Americans being ignored because they are no longer the shiny new toy everyone is clamoring for. 
Now, instead of staging peace rallies or sit in's, the protesters are conducting Die in's. Why Die in's? Is it because they feel dead already? Or do they feel as though they are walking targets with no price on their heads; just a bulls eye?
Each time I go to my news apps to catch up on current affairs, it feels more and more like a hit and run. The shock of what I am reading and seeing slams into my conscience like a brick from the sky, then after a few minutes my newly acquired [emotional ] bruises start to throb and scream.
I feel such agony toward the events that flood our broadcasts, Internet and streaming marquees.  There is no justification, no reasons and no excuses.
We the free are being hunted by our own past. The tragedy of Ferguson is now a memory in the wake of other men dying at the hands of Law Enforcement, a memory that isn't yet dead just lying low.
Everyone always prays for world peace, but we will never see it until we get to the core of the ongoing problem which is we don't really know what the problem is and we will never get to that core until we become the peace,tolerance and love we want for our world. 
We simply must become all that we pray for and when we became what we pray for we will become the change we long for our world. 


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