
  1. a surprising and welcome event that is not explicable by natural or scientific laws and is therefore considered to be the work of a divine agency.
    "the miracle of rising from the grave"
    synonyms:wondermarvelsensationphenomenon, supernatural phenomenon, mystery
    "his recovery was a blessed miracle"
    • a highly improbable or extraordinary event, development, or accomplishment that brings very welcome consequences.
      "it was a miracle that more people hadn't been killed or injured"
    • an amazing product or achievement, or an outstanding example of something.
      "a machine which was a miracle of design"
      synonyms:wondermarvelsensationphenomenon, supernatural phenomenon, mystery
      "his recovery was a blessed miracle"

      How many times in the course of our lives do we experience Miracle? 
      More than one will ever realized and miracle can be nothing more than our perception and ability to be grateful for all we are blessed with as we push through our daily lives. 
      Some days just getting through the day can be miraculous.
       I make it a practice to look for Miracle in everyday.
       Today my little dog choked on her food, I sprang into action and remembered how CPR class taught us to dislodge food from an infant so I picked her up and performed the moves and the kibble popped out of her mouth. The miracle of life saving technique saved her. 
      I made it to work safe on the ice covered roads again this morning and I know it was the miracle of faith in God because I asked him to take the wheel. 
      It's not about how many miracles we are given. Miracle is about choosing to see our world as a miraculous place and it is about each of us striving to be a miracle to all the living inhabitants we touch in our daily walk through life. Miracle is what we choose it to be as much as it is what the divine has chosen for us. 


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