What Lies Ahead

Imagine how strange and chaotic life on our rock would be if we all had a Crystal Ball.
Everyone clammoring to know what lies ahead and believing all they're told as truth. 
I have seen first hand how something as simple as a yes or no oracle can change the course of ones path, how it can drag a lonely soul into the depths of despair. 
I have known a man who couldn't even shave in the morning unless he had several Bibles on the edge of the sink next to him and a woman who couldn't leave her home without an armament of charms and mantras to guide her each step of the way.
 I have succumbed to that urge of knowing the future before I get there, but why is it human nature to know what is to come?  Why is living in the moment so difficult for some us to do? Is it addiction to instant gratification that grips our common sense? Are we so bored with what we have that instead of appreciating it we toss our experiences aside hoping the next one will be more exciting? 
Perhaps it stems from our most ancient and primal DNA that tells us to be wary of what moves silently in the woods. 
I recently attended a Eckankar Temple service. It was beautiful, almost stunning in pure energy flowing through the attendants and throughout the chapel. This spiritual practice is based on belief in Past Lives and being hyper aware of them while living in this one. These believers are certain that the knowledge of their own pasts will guide,teach and change the course of the lives they live now. 
To what end does this endless cycle of 'knowing' come to? Is it nessecary for us to have all the knowledge of the ages? 
What of those who believe they change the course of their futures by having a heads up on what is too come and is this what we should be doing? 
I wonder if we are born not knowing so we can learn and grow in the moment of this life. I wonder how the obsession with the past takes away from the lessons we are to experience in this one.
What if we are all wrong?  What if there are no past lives and we're simply reaching into our imaginations groping at some possible explanation as to why we are here right now and how to fix what is broken. 
People who suffer mania live in a perpetual state of uncontrollable obsession with something they believe will take the Reigns of their life and guide them every step of the way. 
I wake up everyday optimistic and nervous about what might lie ahead, and even though I beleive we have lived before I let the future unfold as it is intended to be and have faith that I will always have all the tools I need from the past and the present to build the future that is intended for me. 


  (mā′nē-ə, mān′yə)
1. An excessively intense enthusiasm, interest, ordesire: mania for neatness; a dance mania.
2. Psychiatry A manifestation of bipolar disorder,marked usually by high energy, racing thoughts,irritability, and rapid speech.

[Middle English, madnessfrom Late Latin, from Greekmaniāsee men- in Indo-European roots.]


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