Try again

Being in relationship should be freeing not binding,
It should fill us with completeness not leave of us finding,

For love in all its imperfections,
As we are mere humans haunted by reflection,

Romance has always been an addictive wound,
One that always ends in doom,

For those who sought my love committed, 
They took what they wanted and left my heart pitted,

And like deep scars that itch and throb,
I'm reminded of all the times my soul has been robbed,

I never seem to learn the lesson and so I cry and then,
Wiping away my tears I get up and try again. 

Julianna Mason


  1. I remember how we met, I was drawn in by your eyes.

    Hang in there, I too am met with the same disappointment from the online dating scene. Know that you are not alone in this. Torn apart time after time by heartbreak is a big trend these days. One only has to look at the number of folks paying hard earned cash to seek love online.

    It is staggering, we as a society have become so separated, disconnected from each other, from the land and from ourselves. Publishing those rants on your blog is a bit freakish and painful to read. Yet someone has to give this a public voice ... but is there anyone paying attention? Then the thought is this helping or hindering you?

    Those who might read the Blog might agree with you, but are too ashamed to admit to themselves or anyone else the truth you speak of. It is society's dirty little secret.

    Get "Connected", Get "Out", Do something about it! The sense of "Belonging" sense of being "Accepted" is to not cast harsh judgments on others. That is just plain toxic to your own being and carries a "Darkness" clouding one's wellbeing. Not only your own but negatively impacts the lives of everyone around you.

    You have fallen before and gotten back up again and again and again. It is worthy of recognition and understanding that one person can only do this for so long. So I move on, just as you have shown me, is possible no matter how bad things get.

    Like me, you have reached a time in your life and a time in history where we are part of the tail end of being in the Boomer generation. Thus for the first time in human existence, we are stepping into unprecedented evolution in the human development known as the "Second Adulthood".

    I attempted to invite you in with me, to share this second half of life, but you didn't see the importance of preparing for this "Transformation". The SHIFT in thinking and attitude to navigate this passage, is to view this as a once in a lifetime occurrence where you can free yourself of your past and make the future for yourself more meaningful and satisfying by using the lessons learned through life to guide this journey.

    However, if in one's "First Adulthood" you failed to pay attention to what the universe kept presenting to you. Well when you do fail to deal with it fully and move on, you then will be presented over and over with situations from which must learn from. Only you can decipher the why "this keeps happening to me" for yourself.

    I know what this is like. I am still struggling with that voice in my head, that presents the disempowering message that: "I am not": good enough, smart enough, strong enough, secure enough etc.... The damaged and fearful Ego ... can be a real monster to overcome. But, slowly one can, by shutting out the Mind.

    Listen to the Heart and Body. The three Mind, Heart and Body are your intelligence not your training and schooling. Giving the Heart and Body equal say as the Mind in your consciousness can then "out vote" the mind and thus "Wisdom" appears as you are given the best "Present" and the past can't hold you back.

    Find what lesson in necessary for you to take for you to fully let go of your past ... heal baby heal.

    Brad Blackett


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