Push Me

We have only just met and already I feel you pushing at the boundaries of all my insecurites.
Being raised in a pit of abuse and depsair, suffering the cold and calculating acts of bullies, I have learned to keep my heart open for love but it stays behind a fence of barbed wire. If you can get passed the fence and not judge what you encounter on the other side then you are worthy of being mine.
But am I worthy of being yours?
You are mythical and I the image of life's hard and unforgiving truth. 

I fear letting my Jericho tumble down because what you will see of me lays barren from the lack of true acceptance.

If you listen will you hear the whimpering of my fears and you will comfort and reassure me or simply move on? 

So many tell me my perceptions are simply without merit and others tell me to stand my ground and shout, "Take me as I am!" 

To take me as I am would mean allowing myself to remain within my safest zone and that in itself would be tragedy; for I find comfort in your gentle pushes upon my shoulders guiding on to be the ultimate love I seek which is the love I have for myself


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