The right way

Last month two Police Officers from Anoka, Minnesota were called to an apartment building to look into a man destroying property. 
When they arrived they encountered a 25 year old man obviously on drugs. The young man threatened the Officers and even had an object in his hands, but instead of gunning him down they tased him, but to no avail and he attacked the Officers. He bit one of them in his hand and kicked the other one and still these men sworn to protect and serve continued wrestling with the suspect until they had him subdued and under control. After a search the Officers found two packages of meth on the suspect. 
These Officers should be commended for doing their job the right way. 
Here they were staring down a man on meth with an unknown object in his possession and still they chose to take the high road and do what was necessary and what was right to get control of the situation and exhausted all options. They could have done what cops are becoming increasing comfortable with, shoot first but they didn't, they showed courage and valor and respect for human life. They used their training and their conscience and made the right decision. Their minor injuries will heal and they will go on not having to live with the death of a troubled 25 year old on their minds because they chose to do their duty the right way. 
And the young man will pay for his crimes and have a chance at turning his life around, he won't be another martyr. 


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