Broken Fingers

Communication has become one sided and solitary.
There was a time when people communicated face to face, pen and paper, phone to phone hearing an actual voice, but now sometimes people have entire relationships that exist completely in text.
Email has become a dinosaur and now when people joke about those clunky portable phones from the 80's, it gives me a chuckle, because I see people wearing headphones the same size as my earmuffs while typing on phones big enough to serve a happy meal on.
There was a time when this spoiled rotten tech generation thought that slow internet speeds were the devil and yet today, we have so much crap downloading in the background I could get a degree and still come back to the page loading.
I would rather hold the hand of my lover or stare into their eyes and share our energy than express my feelings in a FB post. You can't hear whispered sweet nothings in a voice mail.

Some Public Schools are removing spelling and Handwriting from their curriculums.
How sad that a prisoner in jail writes all of their correspondence with a pencil and lined paper and our nation isn't even willing to continue teaching literacy. What is going to become of us when we become so dependent on technology that we no longer have the ability to communicate to each other without it? What if someone accidentally does pull the plug, then where will we be?
Well, I guess we could all go back to pen and paper...oh wait, that won't work because we're not teaching our kids to read and write.


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