
  1. 1.
    dedicated or consecrated to God or a religious purpose; sacred.
    "the Holy Bible"
    synonyms:sacred, consecrated, hallowed, sanctified, sacrosanct, venerated, revered, divinereligiousblessed,dedicated
    "a Jewish holy place"

Choice. It is the most powerful gift God has given.
We have big choices and Little ones, menial and monumental, but when it comes to this gift we are like kids loose in a toy store. 
Our gift of choice has come of age and full circle. It seems that people are making choices that are harmful and damaging because all they have to do is repent. Just a few tears and beg forgiveness then all is well. 
Some mistakes can land you in jail, but that just means you will have all of the resources of the state to fulfill your basic needs until they release you into housing and in some cases find you employment.
So where does this leave us? Have we reached a point of no true accountability for our actions? Do we even take time to think things through before we act? 
Those sworn to protect us make horrible irreparable decisions and walk away, children gun children down in school and they are free from punishment because they choose suicide.
Or perhaps it's not about accountability by those who make bad choices but complete forgiveness and tolerance by the rest of us.
When a man gunned down a group of Amish girls  some years ago, the Amish community forgave him and cared for his family.  They showed absolute tolerance, absolute holiness. 
Maybe the choices we make are not for us directly but more for others to make higher choices of their own to be of higher presence, to be holy and maybe this is what God means by being like him made in his image. Being holy is a way of living and the greatest choice we can make. 


  1. I equate holiness with divinity.to be divine you must first the enlightened. Enlightened state comes from wholeheartedness, which allows the energy of the source of universal understanding to take you, engulfing your soul self and becoming one with spirit. Then what was you blossoms with the one and you reach the level of enlightenment.

    If you look at becoming your holiness as I thing I understand you suggest by man being formed in the image of God then the reign of domination (a human construct) still exists. Thus good and evil prevail and nothing changes. You have those with and those with out. That view is a tough one to accept as a guiding vision are an answer to the Injustices present in this world.

    Observing our world the Earth, as our testing grounds. As a microcosm of the universethe earth has much to teach us still. We were innocent as children born and then our environment in our upbringing turned us away from being good observers.the human story is filled with just fine stories about how things have evolved nor have become.as we grow older we get wisdom as we can look back upon our lives by doing so we open our eyes to all that we've experienced and seen of the world.

    Is it not all the time the place for a small to take a deep breath. And honor our mother earth for the abundance that it can provide to meet all of our needs if we would just learn to live with the planet then perhaps if we as a human race you do have we then earn the right to lighten my face and divinity.

    How then do we individuals unite against the evil that today dominates our systems of government, contries, industry, food production, corporations, schools....our commons of clean air, water, soil and geneics? How do we bring about Peace and harmony ...... or would you say it is too late? Is it too late for you? or just too late for 88% of humanity? Where would you stand? The choice for you is narrowing, what internal guidance system do you rely on for getting you to the future your is telling is there?


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