There Once Was...

Once upon at time a great nation was born.
Emerging from infancy he budded into a toddler running before he could walk across mountain's majesty.
He had promise and vision, but was not prepared for starvation, pestilence and wilderness.
He looked to the native people, but when they offered a shared brotherhood he slaughtered them so he and his children wouldn't have to share.

As the growing pains set in he realized he could not meet the demands of growing up. He traveled to Mother's home (the cradle of civilization), stormed her shores and abducted her people. He brought them back to his promised land in shackles and called them slaves.
As time went on her people found a way to survive and multiply in his land of the free and home of the brave.

One day a solemn man tall and brooding saw papa wasn't following the laws he himself set forth, so he went to papa's house and challenged him.
They could not resolve to remove this blemish from our nations face so the brooder went to war against the old ones and after much time and agony the brooder won and set the people free, then the white shot him dead.

But to what end did he set them free? Their shackles were replaced with white ignorance and hate. The white were free too, free to hate and torture and murder and neglect. They shined and polished those shackles then slapped them on with each hate crime and each act of discrimination until a man, decsended from the cradle stepped forward and said, Enough!
He reached out his loving arms to the white but they only pulled back, so he and his brothers joined arms and marched for civil rights until the white shot him dead too. Now here we are all grown up tall and famous and proud.

Today a man of Mother's home sits on the throne of this kingdom reaping the rewards of priviledge while her children, our brothers are being gunned down in this land of milk and honey by the white who are sworn to protect and serve with color blind eyes.
We have come so far from our birth and yet we haven't moved at all. I hear the people cry, " What would our Founding Fathers think?
But most don't know papa kept slaves too, kept them like house pets.
Mother cries while papa looks away and the king just sits and polishes his throne.


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