The Year Of The Child

Approximately 10,000 children are injured or killed in the US every year by gun violence. 
Around 3000 don't even make it to the hospital and now the ilk known as the Taliban are assassinating children by the hundreds while they attend school and a woman in Australia now stands accused of murdering her eight kids.
I know that we all live on borrowed time, but I can't accept adults killing kids. Children killing other children, perhaps it's because they are not yet old enough to absorb the full understanding of what death really means. Their innocence and expectation ripped from them by the barrel of gun. 
Year after year the stories emerge of school shootings and kids getting hold of a parents firearm. 
So why then have we not made this crisis a national priority? What can we hope to accomplish by doing nothing. If your child was at risk would you not do everything to save them?
 Do the Taliban think they are going to cleanse the world of good people by killing off our progeny? 
Does a parent think they are sparing their offspring a life time of despair by ending the life they conceived? 
Children should live charmed lives and they should never know atrocity. They should only know love and deserve to live in a world of laughter, trust and safety. 

We are all responsible for the welfare of children, not just our own but all children in all the world because we are the adults, the decision makers, the teachers and protectors. We are the ones with the power to make the coming year a different year for children. 

  1. the deliberate killing of a large group of people, especially those of a particular ethnic group or nation.


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