Dog On Bed

                                                                                                     Fiona - My personal library

We push on tirelessly trying to understand our beloved pets.
We can't leave well enough alone, we must poke and prod and pry into their behavior and psyche.
We want to find out what makes them tick.
I wonder, though, if we are looking at this all wrong. Take my dog for instance.
My Fiona is whip smart, the fastest lunatic on four legs, in fact her pet name is the Blur and she loves everyone and everything. Like people Dogs have their own unique personalities and quirks and Fiona is no exception.
Vital and brimming with energy, Fiona barrel races through my apartment faster and faster until she's gasping for air. Experts would say that it's genetics as she's half Whippet. Whippets are one of the fastest land animals. She has extra long toes and when she runs her legs fold up underneath her rib cage like landing gear on a plane and at times I swear she levitates. 
The experts say lots of things about dogs as if they were machines to be studied and they can't even agree. Some say that dogs must be kept on a schedule and yet we are also told they live in the moment and have no concept of time, so why then would they have to be kept on a time based routine if they supposedly have no concept of what a clock does? 
I think dogs are subject to the same over thinking that we inflict on everything. 
dogs are who they are, unique and individual living beings just as we are. 
My Fiona May be a dog but she is nothing like other dogs that have owned me.  She is vibrant and bursting with an energy that screams, 'I'm alive!' I know where she is and what she's doing by the noises in my apartment, thundering plodding means Fiona barrel racing, huffing and puffing means dog wrestling wth cat and when I hear a sound like white noise above in my bedroom it means 'Dog on bed', it means she is spinning like a top at what seems like the speed of light, spinning with joy in her heart and elation on her face. I envy the simplicity of her freedom and sometimes when I'm in a low place I tune into the noise I call 'Dog on bed' and realize that life can be as simple and free as a dog living in the moment with joy in her heart and elation on her face. 


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