Forget Me Not

Hard wired into the brain of every Human being is the need to do "Well" by our Parents. When we are children we look to them for advice and example, we tend to emulate them and seek their approval. As we grow into adulthood we still in some way want their approval but now we turn our focus on how our accomplishments have made them proud and how they can benefit from our accomplishments as they begin to age.

We would all like to believe that we can care for our parents in times of need and in their "Old Age" and for most of us that will be the way our parents move on into their Golden Years with dignity and pass peacefully after a long and fruitful life, but for some of us our story is altered by unforeseen events such as illness.

Alzheimer's is an insidious progressive and deadly disease that takes it's toll not only on it's victim but the loved ones who struggle everyday to care for the afflicted. Alzheimer's doesn't afflict one person, it attacks the entire family stealing away their empowerment and hope for the future of their progeny. 

During this Holiday season while we all are making memories Alzheimer's is stealing the memories of millions. This is the time of year for reflection and remembrance. I ask for all to remember those who have been lost to Alzheimer's and those who selflessly and tirelessly care for them and bring light and dignity to their spirits. 


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