What If...

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       I were a tree? Would I bend with the wind or would my branches break in resistance?

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 Or a beam of Sunlight, would I warm the world or burn your skin?
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Or perhaps a Mystic peering into the unknown waiting for a sign?
What if I were just me? Would you object? Would you want me to be just a bit different?
A little taller, a little thinner, a little less grey in my hair? More money in my wallet? More Degrees on my wall? Interesting how we accept a tree as the tree and never despise the sun for burning our faces because in return we have a living planet. We revere gems for all of their beauty and magic and yet we cannot just accept ourselves as we are.
What if we burned fashion magazines instead of books? What if we grasped the arm of our brothers in love instead of taking up arms against them? What would happen if all who needed medical care could have it for free? What if we looked to each other for all the answers instead of looking beyond to find them?
All we know, all we need and all we should ever seek is within our minds, our  DNA and our hearts. 


  1. I yell at the sun all the time!

    1. I yell at the sun too!
      I prefer a night sky myself.
      Thank you for your comment and taking the time to read my blog!


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