Hey, Got A Light?

What keeps you rising out of bed each morning? What keeps you alive?
I'm not talking about survival or getting out of bed because someone needs you to feed them.
I'm talking about that burning yearning in the deepest depths of your soul. What fire burns within you? What is it you daydream about to get you through the doldrums of everyday living?
Is it art or music? Is it that amazing photo you just took quite by accident? Perhaps it's that one person that ignites your flame with that one look, the one that had you at hello.

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Sometimes the fire within is not so simple. It's not the kind of flame we feel entirely comfortable with, but we strike in into life just the same and touch the embers because the pain is release of some darker force at work deep within our core. We all have it, that internal voice whispering to us when we're at our lowest point, frightened, confused and pushed to our limit. Watch out for those flames licking at your heels urging you to feed it the oxygen it needs to spread.
Victims know what I'm talking about and Villains too. The Angry, Hopeless and Desperate have flames with names like Rage, Terror or Revenge.
It's not enough to have loved and lost. It's not ok to let go and hope they will return. We are hostages to our own positive thinking, but if you let the flame out who will it singe? Who will despise you for being on fire?
My fire has many flames, there is Justice and Acceptance, Grace and Mercy, Wanting and Impatience, Love and Hate.
What burns in you and gives you power?


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