That's Extreme To Me

noun: extremist; plural noun: extremists
    a person who holds extreme or fanatical political or religious views, especially one who resorts to or advocates extreme action.
    "political extremists"
    synonyms:fanatic, radical, zealot, fundamentalist, hard-liner, militant, activist;
    "with little to gain from moderation, the extremists rule the day"                      

      We use words like 'Extreme' to describe commonplace things such as sports or flavors to give importance to our ordinary lives. What do we really know about being extreme? We are all connected in some way to the cosmic existence and to each other and every living thing. I may not believe that my life is extraordinary, but I do believe that if I were not here someone else's life would be different or not exist at all.My mistakes and achievements effect the universe around me, but I don't run around shouting from the roof tops that I am an Extremely important person.
      I'm not saying that running a marathon coast to coast or consuming hot wings that could ignite a brush fire isn't something to pat yourself on the back for, but before you hit the talk show circuit think about those in this world who live with the true meaning of extreme everyday. The ones who are suffering and trying to stay alive in nations ravaged by war and genocide, fleeing Militant Extremists.
      Right now somewhere in the world an Extremist for an Animal Rights group could be planning some ignorant attack that will ultimately kill  innocent animals and ruin human lives.
      At this moment someone's mental illness is so extreme it could be compelling  them to drown their children or shoot their entire family dead, perhaps doing so in the name of God.
      Did you know that there are still families suffering from Hurricane's Katrina and Sandy?What about a person running into a burning building to save another with no thought to their own mortality?
      These are the things that come to mind when I think of the word 'Extreme" not a sport or a recipe, but life as it is happening all around us.  When I read or here about global tragedy and suffering I see it as extreme and appreciate my humble existence with a pinch of salt and a brisk walk with my dog. 
      adjective: humble; comparative adjective: humbler; superlative adjective: humblest
      1. 1.
        having or showing a modest or low estimate of one's own importance.
        "he was humble about his stature as one of rock history's most influential guitarists"
        antonyms:proud, overbearing
        • (of an action or thought) offered with or affected by a modest estimate of one's own importance.
          "my humble apologies"
      2. 2.
        of low social, administrative, or political rank.
        "she came from a humble, unprivileged background"
        synonyms:lowly, working-class, lower-class, poor, undistinguished, mean, modest, ignoble, low-born, plebeian, underprivileged; More
      verb: humble; 3rd person present: humbles; past tense: humbled; past participle: humbled; gerund or present participle: humbling
      1. 1.
        lower (someone) in dignity or importance.
        "I knew he had humbled himself to ask for my help"


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