Congrats Baby

The average bill for a college education is between $30,000.00 and $55,000.00

About 32% of College Grads are not working in their chosen fields. 

There are so many aspects of Human life. Prepping our youth for a college education should not be our first, foremost, number one priority. Teaching them how to be good persons who practice love, gratitude and compassion should be your most important role as parents.

If  you're filling in your kids day planner between contractions something is very wrong!
 I recently heard an advertisement on the radio cautioning parents to investigate their Day Cares/Babysitters to be sure they're using Kindergarten Readiness practices, if not don't choose them. Getting your kid ready for Kindergarten is YOUR job Mom and Dad, then it becomes the Teacher's job to teach not your babysitter!
If you are so pompous to expect someone else to do your job then you should either not have kids or quit your job and teach them yourself, but the point that we are missing here is that we are placing too much pressure on our youth from birth. How can a kid be just a kid when paretns are cramming structured school curriculum down their throats from their first breath of life and add to that free reign with technology, summer schools, summer camps, after school sports etc...

Last year I was sitting in the lunch room of a temp. job I was working at the time. At my table were two employees talking in extreme detail about their children's college, which one they will attend, what blah blah score on SAT's they must achieve, then on into their current after school schedules. It made me sick, these kids they were talking feverishly about were under the age of 12 yrs.  Really?!?

It may sound simple or idealistic, but really all you need to do is love and nurture your offspring. Teach them to love not hate, to reach out a hand in welcome to your neighbors instead of walking by them hiding under a hoodie. Teach them caution but not suspicion. Teach them to respect one another. Give them some kind of spiritual education...any kind it doesn't matter just something! Grow up and set aside your own immature issues and co-parent till it hurts if this is a part of your kid's life. Most of all, if you are suffering in any way get the help you need right now! Dysfunction is taught. A child needs you to just love them for who they are unconditionally.

gerund or present participle: over-parenting
  1. be excessively involved in the day-to-day life of one's child or children, typically in the desire to shield them from difficult situations or help them succeed.
    "highly motivated, loving mothers often engage in a kind of zealous overparenting"


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