Where Are You?

  1. A missing person is a person who has disappeared and whose status as alive or dead cannot be confirmed as their location and fate is not known. Wikipedia

Between 2,300 and 2,500 people go missing each day... EACH DAY!  in the US. They vanish without a trace. Some are never found.
Some that are will not know the joy of a happy reunion with loved ones and their loved ones will only know the finality of closure.

There are an endless slue of reasons why and how a person goes missing, but, like stranger rape only roughly 100th of 1% of child abductions are by strangers, and like rape the majority of abduction victims are under the age of 18yrs.
People who are reported as missing could be lost, injured and unable to call for help. Alzheimer's suffers get confused and disorientated and children are attracted by lights, animals and maybe a toy they left outside.
Runners on poorly marked hiking trails get turned around, dehydrate and possibly collapse.
But don't ignore or discount the people who are stalked and abducted by pedophiles, political extremists, or maybe an unstable parent.

The first 24-48 hours are the most crucial, especially when the missing person is a child. In the event that you realize someone is missing call 911 immediately. The police will instruct and guide you through the process. Do not argue with Law Enforcement or hinder their efforts, they really do know best how to proceed when someone goes missing.

Women go missing and meet an untimely and violent end at the hands of men who they trusted, who promised to love them. They were betrayed.
I take every missing person in my home of Minnesota personally. They are not just fellow Minnesotans to me, they are part of my geographical and cosmic family, they could be my neighbors or workmates, they could be a friend's relative or the cashier at my local convenience store. It is our universal responsibility to look out for each other.
We are all connected.


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