The Dating Game

I recently made the monumental mistake of joining an online dating service.
A mistake because every man that I have encountered falls into three categories.
1- These are the liars who put false information into their profiles to spark the interest of women. How stupid and insulting to think that when a woman finds out you're a fake that she will forgive you and thank you for wasting her time.
2- These are the perverts, the ones who are on the site for the sole purpose of finding women to have sex, oh and I loved reading profile after profile of scum who write things like his perfect date is taking his woman out to buy lingerie...excuse me while I step away to puke!
3- These are the ones with egos so big they need a separate profile just for their arrogance.
I would get replies from men who have not had dental care in years, pot bellied, between jobs and live with their Mommies asking me what my measurements are or write in their profiles about how they're looking for a woman with the body type of a playboy model and the checkbook to match.
There are other kinds of men on these sites too, men who are never available to enter into a relationship??  Men who are sinister, and perverts of the Registered Sex Offender Data Base kind, men who stalk, men who abuse.
I took myself off the site and I will never go back  for the obvious reasons and because I did find someone that fit me like a custom made glove and we had a magical weekend once and now I am left empty and alone and exactly where I was when I made that monumental mistake.
I did find for one glimmer of time that perfect guy, the one, my mate and he vanished as quickly as he arrived and he is the worst of all.


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