
Today is Thanksgiving Day 2014. Everyone here in the US will be in some way giving thanks for the usual gifts of home, family, employment, love, food, clothing, good health and so on. I, too am thankful for all of these things.

Being Thankful is defined as an expression of Gratitude and 'Gratitude is the quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness' ( Official definition ). 

Gratitude is a perpetual cycle of recognizing an act, an experience, a person, an object, an emotion, an animal, nature, love of another human being and all the things that just come into being.

When we express Gratitude we create more gifts to be thankful for. Our Creator loves praise and rewarding for it so praise him/her/it until you run out of breath, until your raised hands go numb, until tears are streaming down your cheeks!

Whatever you want or need will come to you and yours, all you have to do is ask and recognize everything in existence as a gift to be grateful for, then all you could ever dream possible will come true.

I Thank the universe today and everyday for:
The element of Community peace and harmony I experience today,
my family and friends, my pets, my home, my job, my neighbors, my car, my good health, my knowledge, my books, Netflix, the food in my fridge, the clothes in my closet, the smile on my face, music, debating, boots, my cell phone signal, coffee, memories, purple, humor, my Dad passing peacefully in his sleep with no suffering, all the creatures wild and free, hugging...

   to be continued


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