My Dad Is Dying

                                                                      From my private collection

My Dad is dying but I'm not crying,
Can only muster some half hearted sighing,
It's not that I don't love him, it's not that I don't care,
It's just that he left me when I needed him there,
As a child brought up in a home of violence and fear,
He never made us feel safe and I live with echoes of my sisters cries and tears, 

I just got the call, the one we all dread,
It was the call telling me my Dad is dead,
My life is rushing through me in a torrent of memories, my heart broken, my eyes sobbing,
My Dad is really dead, now I am crying.

Julianna J. Mason


  1. Thank you Anna,
    I much appreciate your kind words. sometimes Our most profound moments in life can best be described in the written word.
    I received word my Dad was being transported to Hospice a couple of days ago then yesterday morning I got word that he had passed in sleep in the early morning.
    I would love to see your site, could you send me the link though? it doesn't appear to have through in your comment.


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