I'd Like To Teach The World To Sing In Perfect Harmony...


When asked what it is we want most for our world and humanity people will almost always choose world peace or to end hunger.

 Those are great things to hope for, but I have a different list. A list that if wishes really did come true then all the world peace we pray for would come to pass and the hungry would never know an empty belly ...
Give him a fish or teach him to fish

I hope for an end to paying for health care, because if all people were really treated equal and we could get the care we need without concern for money then people would go willingly and we would be the most healthy people, healthy people are happier and more productive.
The joke known as Obamacare

I hope for an end to the way Law Enforcement and the Judicial systems treat victims. If victims were treated with the respect and compassion they need and deserve they would recover more completely and be more willing to report the crime and get offenders off the streets. 
Yes means Yes and No means No

I hope for all people to be struck color blind so we can put an end to racism and the constant hate that runs through our society like poison.  
Ferguson is burning

I wish for an end to all suffering for all living things, for complete and unconditional love and compassion for all living things.
Love conquers all

I want someone to lift up the homeless and give them shelter without condition or expectation of reward or red tape cinching so tight that no on can breathe.
Habitat for Humanity

I want someone to lift up the hungry and feed them without fear of retribution.
Arnold Abbott arrested for feeding the Homeless in Florida

I want the word, Judgment to be removed from all dictionaries and all human minds.
An opinion so pronounced

You must be the change you wish to see in the world.
Mahatma Gandhi

...I want to teach the world to sing in perfect harmony...Ray Coniff  


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