In my head

How do we undo the damage of what we've been taught? How does one just let go of the tether that has left such deep scars on our palms?
I sit in silence and stare at an old photo from my childhood. It has a faint film of yellow, but I can see past it. Further and further I drift back I can feel the sun of that day on my arms and I can hear the sounds of my Mom's sewing machine and my sisters chattering. I want to keep drifting back to the beginning of time and rewind the clock. So much I would change.
The things that cripple me in this here and now would be erased, but my memories have feelings and reactions hardwired in so how can I betray them? 
Letting go and letting the tether slip through my fingers, now my memories are floating through the air like the ribbons of a rainbow. I am at peace. 


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