
Showing posts from 2013

The American Medical Scam

What A Fool Believes

Social Media Burnout

The Age Of Reason?

If Wishes Were Fishes

hmm..Didn't Realize I Felt Like This Until I Wrote It

I Am Angry

Long Time No See

Credit Reporting Agencies

The Back Up Plan...What PTSD Has Taught Me

Muslims, The New Black

Today I Will Make A Difference, Author Unknown


Author Unknown

Teach An Old Dog...

A Bone-A-Fide Winner!

I Don't Need You Anymore

I Love You, I Hate You, I Love The Way I Hate You

Don't Worry Be Happy

The Dangling Carrot


Gate, Crate or Fate...A Dog's Tale

Gun Control Is An Oxy Moron

Weep For This Child

Better Late Than Never


My Words

Out Of Time

Just Another Fine Example

Why I Don't Have Cable TV


The Lost

Black Is Beautiful


The 11 Scariest Things in Your Food | Yahoo! Health

Took the words.....

Simply Delicious